Friday, December 27, 2019

Copier Lease Angeles Los Angeles - 711 Words

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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Death Of My Boyfriend - 850 Words

Grief is like weather. Some days are cold, wet and stormy, while the other days are bright warm and sunny. Today like most days its storming. I lost my heart, my life, my boyfriend to five bullets 1,327 days ago. Not only have I lost all hope but I forgot how to love so deep. Experiencing the passing of my boyfriend was never easy. I knew the love was always true from all the wonderful times we had, to the phone calls, until the funeral. I knew he was always the one who had my back. Dealing with the death of my boyfriend Dante’ was never easy but his spirit presence helps to persevere though life daily challenges. Never in a million years had I never imagined that falling in love would be so easy. On February 16, 2010 I was honored to be the girlfriend of Dante’ Lamont Williams. The moment I laid my eyes on him I felt as if the world was in my hands. Having someone besides family to encourage; build me up was amazing. Daily we would go on park walks just to explain why his love for me was strong. Ever since the first day we met he would call me his â€Å"golden piece†. A golden piece to Dante’ was when he was down and out; clueless on what to do I would be the one to put a smile on his face just to encourage him and let him know that everything was going to be just fine. I never thought I would go from loving someone so hard to watching him take his last breath in my arms. On January 21, 2012 one late and cold night I received news that changed my life forever. At 1 in theShow MoreRelatedInterview On Loss Death. Throughout This Semester, We1656 Words   |  7 PagesInterview on Loss Death Throughout this semester, we have learned about death as both a process and an event. Much of the information has come from Death Dying, Life Living (Corr Corr, 2012), which offers a fairly comprehensive look at death, dying, and bereavement. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Propaganda poems Essay Example For Students

Propaganda poems Essay 1st poetic technique in Dulce Et Decorum Est:  In the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est, Wilfred Owen uses assonance of verb -ing to show that he got a shell-shock of his friends death. The line that suggests this point is:  He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.  This line shows the consequence, which will haunt the author forever. The verb -ing is repeated because Owen wants us to understand that he always remembers every moment of his friends death. It was still haunting even when he got back to England, and it seems that the image is happening now. 2nd poetic technique in Dulce Et Decorum Est:  Wilfred Owen uses hyperbole to exaggerate his friend death as if his friend looks like a devil. The line that shows the horrible scene, where Owen can never forget, is:  His hanging face, like a devils sick of sin;  Wilfred Owen exaggerates the image to let us, especially the propaganda poems author, think more about the war in a serious way. He also reminds the government about their careless about the soldiers, who were fitting to protect the government. He wants the government to feel sorry, to 3rd poetic technique in Dulce Et Decorum Est:  Wilfred Owen uses repetition to show the terrifying felling of the soldiers, when they saw mustard gas. The line that shows the threatening of the gas is:  GAS! Gas! Quick boys! An ecstasy of fumbling  In this line, Owen took an actual speech at the Front Line into his poem to show that The speech suggests that the soldiers had to remind each others when things happened, as the government didnt care about them. If they didnt remind each others, no one would and they would all die. The tired marching of the soldiers was interrupted by the horror of the mustard gas. Everything became a chaos and everyone was trying to do anything to save their life. ECSTASY OF SUMBLING 4th poetic technique in Dulce Et Decorum Est:  Wilfred Owen uses Latin words in the last two lines of the poem, because he knows that only the rich and powerful people know or learn about Latin. Therefore, he wants them to use their power to pressure the governments to stop the war. The two lines that show this are:  The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est  Pro patris mori.  Latin is a very old-fashiond language and Owen also emphasises this by say the term The old Lie to general say that all the wars are not necessary, they should be forgotten and all the wars are lie. The word The shows that the lie has been there for very long time, but everyone just ignores it. The meaning in English of these Latin lines is: The old Lie: Sweet and right are  To die for your country.  Owen wants the entire propaganda poems authors to think about what they wrote, is it true that it will be sweet and right to die for your country or is it wrong just for encouraging men to join the Front Line.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Role of women in military Essay Example

Role of women in military Essay Throughout the history of the world, women have tried by all means to provide various services in the military. Many women have acted as nurses when in battle fields, while others have developed the courage to join their male counterparts in the real attacks. The involvement of women in these activities came when it was proved that women could attain same qualifications with like men in mental, emotional and physical contexts. Since some combat activities like naval and aerial require skills only, integrating women in the forefront does not matter. The period that spans from 1980 to 1990 marks significant important reforms that related to women’s role in military activities. The world world outcried in the same tone calling for involvement of women in military activities and offer equal opportunities in recruiting military officers regardless of the gender (Midamba, 1995, 45). The issue attracted attention of the whole world but the nature and complexity of the reforms that took place varied from country to country. Feminist lawsuits forwarded the case to Supreme Court in the middle of 1990s, challenging the policies of the Air Force that were applied by then. The agitating policy in this area was the exclusion of women in training courses of the military pilots. This training was made for men only. This motion was pushed by the fact that many nations started gendered institutions in early years of the nineteenth century, which mandated men more than women in several areas of participation. All over the world, military activities were segregated with respect to gender. This discrimination not only took place in military areas but also in jobs and locales of service. Women felt the need to get full assimilation in Air Force institutions, an achievement that could only be realized through taking a legal action against the departments (Heidensohn, 1999, 12). The action was geared at undermining the structure of these institutions which are gendered in their undertakings. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of women in military specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Role of women in military specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Role of women in military specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Petitioners felt that denying women the opportunity to serve in flying positions of the Air Force and military activities was violating and intimidating women’s right to equality. Petitioners came from Associations for Civil Rights and Women’s Networks. The Supreme Court had no choice other than giving an order to the military authorities to open and conduct training sessions based on sameness of both men and women. Women were since then given the opportunity to participate in combat roles and in other braches of military operations such as Navy. The Supreme Court also performed an amendment of legislature particularly the Defense Act and Women’s Equal Rights Act. They were adjusted to allow specific provisions for women to occupy any position in the military network provided that the substance and nature of the post does not prevent women’s participation. This court ruling received an overwhelming support from the world’s population. In the military activities, images of new women and female warriors appeared both in practice and in minds of the leaders all over the world. Assimilation of women in this department was seen as a significant move in fighting for sameness. It was treated as a prominent indicator of the feminist struggle for equality. This principle was highly adopted and implemented quickly in United States of America and Israel. In America, the issue came without much struggle because women did not organize themselves in large groups to go and present their grievances (Schultz, 1999, 10). The assimilationists or the sameness principle was the major concept that was used in the feminist struggle for gender equality. It was a notion that integrating women in masculine activities was the only possible and ultimate avenue that could be used to achieve gender equality. This ideology was accompanied by an assumption that gender equality was homogenous with respect to women. It was felt that similar terms can be employed in measuring equality and therefore assimilation of women in military work could benefit all women even those who were not employed. Gender activists attached no differences in the principle of sameness within women simply because they believed women are similar in terms of interests, needs and preferences. This line of thought automatically excluded women who could not recognize the principle of sameness. The liberal assumptions of sameness regardless of the gender did not only integrate women in the military field but also fulfilled other vital aspects to show the feminist struggle for equality (Lee, 2000, 34). The movement paved way for women to be involved fully in the spheres of masculine activities and receive fair treatment in legal issues. The doctrine of sameness also ensured women were integrated and fully represented in local and regional religious councils. It is through the same doctrine that the retirement age for both men and women was equalized. Women were also incorporated in the municipal bodies and councils as feminists saw it essential to promote the significance of women in the development of societies. To match active involvement in the workforce and parental responsibility, sameness doctrine directed the feminist activists to demand for maternity leaves and work absence made to nurturer a sick child. These reforms were highly adopted all over the world and were seen as a gate to appreciation of women in fulfilling societal obligations. Since then women have been treated with due respect and sanctity as the one given to men in areas of militarily operations (Garlick, 199 2, 50). Following the above considerations, the developed parts of the world completely buried the differences between men and women, ending the male draft. Statisticians have indicated that the percentage of women participating in military personnel has dramatically increased since 1980 to 1990. Today, many women have been serving in active duties in the Department Of Defense in the military field. Other areas in which they have been involved include Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy and the Army. Fifteen percent of women who serve in these departments are officers, comparatively equal to men’s percentage. Because of the masculine specifications that are involved in the marine department, the number of women serving as officers is comparatively less. Minority women have been observed to serve a larger percentage in military than military men (Cott, 2000, 40). Today’s military population has embraced high standards of educational standards. Many women in the military serving as officers hold college bachelor degrees and others have graduated from service academics. The role of women in the military undertakings is dictated by capabilities of the participants. They are therefore fully integrated in combat activities because current laws do not restrict engagement of women in this area. Laws however do not allow permanent combat assignment of women in Marine Corps, Air Force and Navy. Combat missions involving aircraft and ships are seen dangerous for women and therefore preserved for men. Studies from America indicate that citizens greatly support the participation of women in military activities. Exemptions have been made in activities that involve hand to hand combat, ground combat or direct combat. In the Navy sector, job assignments are statutorily restricted by Navy policy (Amott, 1991, 60). This policy declares that women can not fly in aircrafts or serve in ships that the Navy designates as combat. They are however allowed to perform some temporary duties in the combat section or else conduct trainings to men who are made to fly combat planes. They can also be assigned the responsibilities within the Navy auxiliary ships. These responsibilities may include research, training ships, repair and civilian contract ships. Marine Corps are sections within Department of Navy, where statutory restrictions are highly pronounced by Corps policy. Coast Guards form part of the Department of transport. Military women in this section are not restricted by the law. They therefore have the privilege to serve in aboard Coast Guard ships. Here, women are also entrusted with commanding coastal patrol boats which are used in providing rescue and search services and activities related to marine law enforcement. In this section, women are allowed by the law to act as Anti Submarine Warfare officers and therefore assist in executing Coast Guard cutters (Moghadam, 1993, 100). Due to liberty and democracy which surrounded the world, women soldiers were involved in the American war against Iraq.   Debates have come up in America questioning the roles of women in military work. This has been a reaction against the existing law that prevents them from engaging themselves in most ground combat units. Reports have however said that these restrictions are randomly followed in the United States depending on where and when violence erupts up. Due to the value attached to human life, no one admires endangering the lives of men or women. The idea of restricting women in this hard area has been seen as dubious. It is a measure believed to protect them but on the other hand denying them their rights. As a measure to encourage and promote the role of women in fulfilling their functions in the military operations, sexual assault has been given a strong and outstanding concern by policy makers and implementers. It is the profound reason as to why women are prohibited from participating in combat activities. Sexual abuse has been prescribed by policy makers and human rights activists to be giving unequal opportunity to survive between military men and women. Restrictions based on sexual assaults have received a lot of criticism because it curtails women from achieving their professional aspirations and opportunities. It is a way of telling them to stay indoors to prevent a sexual attack. It has thus been proposed that safe measures should be implemented that will make sure women are protected from sexual abuse as they serve in military (Midamba, 1995, 45). The contributions of women have been experienced around the globe since the Second World War. They were used to ferry bombers and acted as the captains of ships that were sent to reinforce the fighting troops. After this performance, it was seen that restricting women from military activities is denying them their rights and leading them to hard life in terms of income generation. Women therefore, should be given the freedom to make their choices. Most of them have argued that since the choice is theirs, they are ready to face the challenges and the risks concerned with the occupations. The issue of women acting as war photographers or astronauts has totally maintained the stand against women participation in these activities. War photographic is highly associated with captivity and astronauts are associated with high chances of losing their lives (Heidensohn, 1999, 12). Putting all the above prospects in mind, we may be tempted to believe that there exists equality between men and women which should be equally pronounced in military operations. The doctrine of fairness tries to argue from very realistic point of view, clearly pinpointing the inherent differences that exist between men and women, especially in the militia activities. According to the fairness doctrine, men are distinctively the best choice for military because of their nature. Works in military are tough, risky and physically demanding. By nature, women are weak and are not predominantly exposed to scaring and sometimes fatal undertakings. Military police is entitled to duties such as going out for patrol at night. There is always a high probability of meeting enemy ambushes or combat supporters. This encounter ignites a deadly clash with combat soldiers who are usually well armed and trained to kill (Schultz, 1999, 12). A very low number of women victims of this kind of encounters h ave ever survived since they were absorbed in the military. During these attacks, women are abused sexually and this intimidates the sanctity attached to their lives greatly. Fairness doctrine stipulates that physical characteristic should be considered before women are engaged in these duties. Militia activities best fit people who are not expected to make major contributions in the society or families. This is why a man working in the military can afford to raise and support a family without major challenges as compared to women. This is certainly because men are not entitled to many responsibilities in the family as women do. Men can spend many days without visiting family members but family ties still remain. This is due to the fact that his physical presence may not be necessary all the time. An example of a conflict that has supported the doctrine of fairness is the tussle between US and Iraq. Statistics of the attacks show that 65% of the soldiers who have been killed in Iraq comprise of women. Still, 85% of the ones who have been wounded are women. To worsen the scenario, 90% of those who have been imprisoned are the same type of gender. This pict ure has been used by many analysts to explain the dangers women may be exposed to if an increased involvement in militia activities is undertaken (Lee, 2000, 40). Treating women fairly has been taken as part of civilization. A civilized nation does not expose women to dangerous opportunities like combat violence. Civilization supports women in military but it does not support their subjection to direct violence in combat. The direct combat units may include Special Forces, armor and infantry. There has been an increasing scholarships, popular publications and media coverage discussing the effect if women’s engagement in military operations on their families. These have been the efforts towards attaining equality in this department, starting point being depicting the meaning of equality in real life (Garlick, 1992, 50). The variation in the understanding of equality may be contributed by sociological and biological aspects surrounding different persons and work environments. It is only after making these judgments when the law and the society can reflect the impact of these variations and come with a system of administration that treats everybody fairly. Many institutions around the world apply the principle of equality through difference in most of the military operations. This principle advocates for special treatment of women in form of exemptions, options and privileges. This kind of treatment allows women to maintain stable families and at the same time face no limits to benefiting from the military employment. Exemptions made for fulfillment of a family core can not lead to a cut in salary, sack or any disciplinary action. Women are generally viewed vulnerable and full of special needs because of the reproductive role. They are also perceived to posses physical weaknesses. These are the factors that have brought controversy in the process of defining equality. It has been found out that military women have difficulties in maintaining their families. The reasons for this failure vary from a country to another and from individual to individual. Different countries have different regulations and different working environments (Cot t, 2000, 40). Different individuals have different ways of living, preferences and determinations. Military work is affected by both individual aspects and statutory laws that govern how they work. Military engagement in such a way that time cannot be properly budgeted. This is because they are people who are involved in responding to unexpected or unanticipated events. Family woman would like to work in an environment in which time is clearly defined. This gives the opportunity to spare time for attending to children and her husband. Without this contact in the family, it is hard to maintain a family ties or be in good terms with family members. This issue posses a big challenge to women who wish to join military or who are already in the military service (Amott, 1991, 60). They have to make a choice between sacrificing the family and serving at the military or minding on family matters and let the job of military operations go. To add, military operations take long time and are in most cases continuous. The women in these operations may be entitled to benefits like maternity leaves. But the frequency of the leaves may be limited by long time they take in performing their duties. A minor woman in military may expect or wish to reproduce during young ages. However, lack of time may not allow her to perform this because the frequency of leaves is not well defined, but depends on several aspects. The nature of duties that are undertaken by the military are masculine and sometimes may lead to physical encounters. The characteristics of the work completely disregard pregnant women. It is not a kind of duty that can be performed by expectant mothers. This means the rate of births for such a woman is controlled by other forces and no family planning can be trusted to save the situation. Several studies have been done to depict the attitude of women who are serving in military posts. Many suggestions have shown that women do not enjoy the nature of military operations but are just forced by economic hardships to work in them. The job does not allow workers to interact with their families. Many women have also reported that the job has led to many family breakups and divorces. Because of the long time workers spend without meeting their spouses, military workers are said to be sex hungry. A lot of immorality is therefore associated with these people. This again makes familial engagements with military women and men challenging. The above description depicts that the family and military women are not compatible from the perspective and the aspect of time (Moghadam, 1993, 100). To make final generalization, the role of women in military should be highly appreciated and given matching rewards. Military strategists should give the issue a clear perspective and special attention. This will be made to analyze the costs and benefits of giving women these responsibilities. It will be essential to find alternatives when opportunities prove to be risky. If the event of ensuring gender balance in military seems to endanger women, they should be provided with other sources of income. If this is not the case, they should be assigned roles that are not very physically demanding in military. They may be assigned office jobs that may be clerical or accountancy. The areas that specifically do not require physical strain can be preserved for women in the military departments. As military activities are becoming complex and complex every day, technology is giving the field an equal match. It is therefore important to apply technology in daily activities and reduce the numbe r of participants involved. This will keep the operations ongoing but at the same time improve the safety of both men and women (Moghadam, 1993, 99).

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Oda Nobunagas Biography

The oda of Omwari Oda Nobunaga was born Oda Kipposhi on June 23rd 1534 and was a second son of Oda Nobuhinde who by then was a minor lord and whose family was servant to Shiba Shugo. Oda Kipposhi’s father was a very knowledgeable warrior who used much of his time in battles as a Samurai to Mikawa and Mino. At home, Oda kipposhi’s father, later Oda Nobunaga, was involved in power rivalry with his extended family over the control of Omwari province (Seal par 5).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Oda Nobunaga’s Biography specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Oda family was divided into two warring branches. The Nobuhide’s branch was stationed at kiyosu and was run by three elders; the second branch of the family was housed at Iwakura castle in the north of Omwari province. At the time of his birth, Japan was a divided country as Opposed to what it used to be in earlier years before the terrible civil war of 1460s. The country was divided into more than sixty provinces each under the rule of a Daimyo. However, Daimyo were always at war with each other during which time numerous farms and villages would be burned. Oda Nobunaga was brought up in a castle in Nagoya where his father was among the chiefs from his Oda family that ruled Omwari at the time. During his youthful years, Oda was a handsome and unusually graceful man and his father had hired tutors to teach his son the arts of war and other Chinese classics. Oda however proved to be a nuisance to his tutors because of his arrogance and irrelevance. One of his trainers, Kiyohide committed kanshi after writing up a letter urging Nobunaga to take up his studies more seriously. This death made Nobunaga change some bit and honored Hirashi Kiyohide by building the Seisyu-ji in Omwari (Seal par 4). Oda Nobunaga was strange in his mode of dressing wearing odd colored short sleeve and knickknacks hanging from his wa ist. His moods were also unpredictable making people think him crazy. It was rumored that Oda acted in this manner to fool his older cousins from seeing him a rival for the power. Physically, Nobunaga had a prominent nose and a scarce beard and was of unruly behavior. At the age of fourteen, Oda Nobunaga married a daughter of the lord of Mino province. This was a politically instigated marriage based on convenience not loves. The rise of Oda Nobunaga Following Oda Nobuhinde’s death, Oda Nobunaga built a small force of not more than a thousand men and successfully built an army that later repulsed two attacks by relatives and by a rival province. He later killed his chief rival in the family and a brother who challenged his leadership.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Oda Nobunaga rose to become a minor warlord and only held a small piece of land in Omwari province. Like mos t other Daimyo of his time, Oda rose to power following military encounters and by the age of 25 years, he controlled a large part of Omwari province by ruthlessly taking over territories from his neighbors. By 1558, Nobunaga had successfully united his family (Morton 47). His rule was only secure in 1560 when he defeated Totomi family from the Ingawa province which was matching through his province on their way to conquering Kyoto. Following this defeat to the largest army in Japan, Nobunaga suddenly became a national figure and as a result many other Daimyos met him in a bid to build alliances (Saito 25). Like other Daimyos of the Sengoku era, Oda Nobunaga took the advantage of convenience marriages to create alliances and strengthen his leadership. To begin with, Nobunaga married his daughter to the lord of Mikawa province Tokugawa Leyasu’s son. This alliance lasted for twenty years . O-ichi, Oda Nobunaga’s sister was also married to Asai who was the lord of Omi pro vince. These alliances helped Nobunaga became the leader of a very strong and powerful coalition. This however was only a start of what Oda Nobunaga aspired to do. It was only the beginning of an empire that he intended to build (Saito 27).He multiplied his army into more than ten times. He even recruited farmer to be foot soldiers who carried spears and lances while whoever showed talent was promoted through ranks (Saito 29). His military prowess and leadership skill were again proved when in 1565 he marched into Kyoto and helped drive out a local warlord who had killed a shogun and instead installed a three year old as the new shogun. Nobunaga replaced the child shogun with Yoshiaki, the brother of the murdered shogun. He also helped rebuild the badly damaged palace and gave money to the emperor who had invited him to Kyoto. Following the rise in power of Minamoto no Yoritomo appointed in 1192, as a shogun, most emperors lost their power, the remaining shoguns too lost their power although they still could appoint judges and other administrators. Nobunaga used Shogun Yoshiaki as a puppet and even obtained rights to sign document without his consent. This period saw Nobunaga become the most powerful leaders in Japan owing to his political and military might (Morton 47). Resistance The developments at Kyoto agitated a daimyo that lived outside the influence of Nobunaga. He saw Nobunaga as a force that would lead to his destruction. To him, Nobunaga could not be compared to many other warlords like Hosokama Sumimoto and Miyoshi Motonaga who were only concerned only about personal gain and prestige. Nobunaga’s gain however seemed to surpass that of the two warlords and could not be filled.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Oda Nobunaga’s Biography specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He knew that Nobunaga’s aim was to rule the whole of Japan. Four other warlords durin g Nobunaga’s rule: Mori Motonari, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin and hojo Ujiasu had no say in the capital as they had been removed by Nobunaga. Their movement was also curtailed by Nobunaga who occupied a strategic location. Taking Kyoto only made things better for him as he was now positioned in the middle of Japan. Nobunaga’s power was based on the point of the sword with the use of diplomacy waning as he put additional territories under his rule. Nobunaga crushed his enemies completely especially those troublesome to him (Morton 49). Real trouble The first real trouble came when Asakura Yoshikage turned down an invitation by Yoshiaki who was ordered by Nobunaga to invite all local daimyos to a banquet at Kyoto. Nobunaga took this as a symbol of disloyal to both shogun Yoshiaki and the emperor. Using this as an excuse, Nobunaga raised an army to attack Echizen which was ruled by Asakura. He made good his threat and was approaching Echizen capital, Ichijo-no-Tani, wh en he received news that his brother-in-law , Asai Namagasa, husband to his sister O-ichi had shifted bases and was fighting on Asakura’s side. He later moved back to Kyoto and attacked the combined forces of Asai and Asakura but the winner of this battle was no other but Nobunaga. This win propelled Nobunaga to the highest point in his military and political career (Hooker par 1). He now was a force to reckon with in the larger Japan. However, Asai and Asakura had killed Nobunaga’s own brother, Nobuharu and sought the assistance of the monks of Mt. Hiei. The fall of Monasteries In 1570, Nobunaga’s army under the command of Hideyoshi defeated his brother-in-law, Asai, who had defected from his camp to join that of his rival, Asakura. However, both Asai and Asakura could not be captured as they escaped and sought refuge in Mt. Hiei which was a home to Enryakuji, one of the oldest and holiest Tendai Buddhist monasteries at the time. It is important to know that in middle of the second millennia, Buddhist monks were not as saintly as we know them today, but were rather armed, very political and held a lot of wealth. This resulted into a lot of resentment from Nobunaga who coveted the extensive land holding they held and their use of religion to disguise their power pursuit. When he failed to annihilate Asai and Asakura, Nobunaga pleaded with the monks of Eryakuji to either maintain neutrality or face his wrath.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The monks too were in bad terms with Oda Nobunaga who took some of their lands and had threatened to tax them. They too could not understand how anyone could take the action Nobunaga was intending to fulfill of burning their eight century old monastery. In the mean time, Asai and Asakura took the opportunity to escape as the armed monks engaged in skirmishes with Nobunaga’s men. In October 1571, in the mid of a very windy night, Nobunaga’s revenge was terrible as his soldiers surrounded Mt. Hiei and set it on fire. As enormous flames engulfed the mountain city, thousands of warrior monks, women and children were consumed by the fire that reduced the Eryakuji monastery into ashes. Close to three thousand homes, schools, temples and libraries were destroyed in this fire. The whole of Japan shuddered at what Nobunaga had ruthlessly done. To this day, at the mention of Nobunaga, Japanese first thing in the mind is the burning of the Eryakuji monastery. This act of burning the monastery had the impact that Nobunaga intended as many Japanese monks were terrified and stopped maintaining armies, cease to be political and also accepted their loss of land without a word. In 1574, one of remaining defiant Buddhist sect went up in flames while a second one was suppressed with gun fire in the following year. Only the Honganji monastery on Osaka bay remained defiant as it enjoyed naval support from some western Daimyos, however, in 1580, Nobunaga’s marines in seven warrior ships destroyed close to six hundred war boats. This brought to an end the defiance of the Honganji monastery. Most other Buddhists had however lost their power by 1573. In that same year, Asai and Asakura committed suicide and Nabunaga had their skulls gold and silver plated and used them as drinking cups. As a result of asai’s death, his widow O-ichi, returned to his brother Nobunaga with three daughters and an infant son who was executed. O-ichi, with her striking beauty, wa s married off to a top general in his army, Shibata Katsue. Christian Missionaries and the Gun Powder Oda Nobunaga first interaction with the westerners was recorded by a Portuguese missionary named Louis Frois in 1569. Louis described Nobunaga as a tall man who was greatly addicted to military exercise and who scorned both Buddha and the Kami tradition medicine and who neither believed in life after death nor the immortality of the soul. Nobunaga welcomed Jesuits missionary whom he liked and from whom he received gifts such as maps, tiger skins, magnifying glasses, improved guns and who also shared his contempt for Buddhism. In 1543, three Portuguese traders sold matchlocks to the Japanese at the island of Tanega south of Kyushu. These guns were copied by the local lord’s blacksmith’s but these guns failed to function due the gunpowder failing to explode. Later, a Portuguese blacksmith settled down and began teaching the Japanese finer points of gun making. Within no time, the Japanese were making guns at a very fast rate. Sooner, the port of Okai, on Osaka bay became a major gun manufacturing center in Japan. Until 1569, this very prosperous town was under the rule of merchants but in that year, it fell under Nobunaga’s direct rule. Nobunaga’s Administrative Skills It is recorded that Nobunaga was a very skilful administrator and a good warrior. He promoted trade by minting standardized currency and also standardized weights and measures giving merchants an easy time in the process. ‘Marotoriums’ were also abolished as they exempted the dictatorial warlords from paying debts. In his attempts to further improve trade conditions in Japan, he abolished all toll barriers and guild monopolies in his territory and in major cities. The more Nobunaga expanded his territorial borders by conquering neighboring provinces, the more it became easier for merchants as trade areas increased. Nobunaga modernized his armies and in fact bought tens of thousands of guns that were used by his armies in practicing. The soldiers were trained to fast load the gun powders and to shoot and were also trained on arrangement in the battlefront especially formation of alternating rows. In this arrangement, as the first row bent to reload, the second row would shoot while the third row would be aiming. This ensured a continuous bombardment that was devastating to the rival army. He too armed peasants who at times massacred thousands of samurai swordsmen (Weston 144). Shogun Yoshiaki who too was in communication with Asai, Asakura, monks at the Eryakuji monastery and the daimyo of Akai province was too expelled from Kyoto. Nobunaga imposed taxes on the wealthy city dwellers and those who resisted had their wealth burned. This scared others who hastily complied. Yoshiaki’s life was spared and he was left to wander in Japan for close to thirty years. During this time, Kyoto stayed without a shogun with the emperor failing to persuade Nobunaga to take up the position. Nobunaga had no interest in titles and chose to remain a warrior but demanded obedience from all those ha subdued. He even requested for obedience from his general Shibata Katsue whom he warned never to have any evil thought towards him. The Azuchi Castle In 1570s, Japan was enjoying a peaceful period following the rule of Nobunaga. Oda Nobunaga decided to build himself a seven storey castle on a hill in Azuchi province. This was a magnificent palace build forty miles north of Kyoto and was completed in 1579. The Azuchi castle had very beautiful rooms and were painted by top artists of the time especially Kano Eitoku who was the finest. Each room was unique and was painted in a different theme including falcons, horses, trees, Chinese scholars and even Buddha and his disciples. His tea room was painted in leaf gold and it was in this room that he held tea ceremonies. Nobunaga was a great tea lover and collected rare tea utensils and gav e them to his great generals as gifts. The castle at Azuchi underwent various changes. It was during this time that modern Japanese castles were born (Weston 145). Azuchi castle revolutionized castle building in Japan. It was among the first Hiramayajiro castles that were build on a flat topped mountain and on low hills. The hills chosen were on a plain enabling large numbers of troops to be positioned here. Other features of the Azuchi castle included a bigger and higher tenshu allowing a greater view of the plains, Masugata, multiple maru and an ishigaki at the centre of the castle. There were also secret floors within the tenshu. The Azuchi castle not only served for the defensive purposes but was also a show of power for Nobunaga. Nobunaga’s castle was later copied by other leaders who came after him such as Nagahama and Himeji castles build by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the Sakamoto and Tanbakameyama castles that were build by Akechi Mitsumide. Nobunaga’s Major Achiev ements Military Nobunaga revolutionized the way wars were fought in Japan. His army was one of the most organized in the world during his time. He made many inventions and innovations that helped properly arm his forces (Murray 125). The most notable implementations were use of long pikes, advanced fire arms, ironclad ships and fortifications of castle to boost security. He also started a warrior class in which positions were assigned based on merit and not by name, tribe, rank or the size of land that one owned. Retainers were rewarded on the basis of the amount of rise that a rice farm produced not on the size of the farm. This measures ensured equality and fairness and helped reduce any complaints from his army. This system of army organization was later copied by his rivals such as Tokugawa Leyasu during the formation of the Tokugawa Shogunate that was based at Edo (Murray 128). Trade Nobunaga was a very keen businessman who understood and practiced the principles of macro and m icroeconomics. He was pivotal in the modernization of both agricultural and manufacturing industries. Service bases and castle towns were established as the centers of trade and local economics. To further improve trade and ease the movement of his large army between cities, Nobunaga improved roads. He opened up Japan beyond china and the Korean peninsula to the larger Asian countries such as Philippines, Siam and Indonesia. Trade with Europe especially with Portuguese and Spain was also expanded. As a way to improve and promote trade and industry, Nobunaga instituted the Rakuizi-rakuza policies. Under this policy, Nobunaga’s goal was to abolish and prohibit monopolies and helped open up suppressed unions, associations and guilds. He established a proper tax system and exemptions and instituted laws that governed borrowing (Weston 142). Fine art With the rise of Nobunaga as a national leader, he amassed a large amount of wealth that he used to support major causes most notabl y the fine art. Nobunaga had a liking for the art and later used it to display his power and prestige. His many gardens and castles bore great artistic features with the Azuchi castle being one this great art works. In later years, Nobunaga became a devout Christian and used this as a basis for terrorizing the Buddhist Ikko monks (Peterson 85). His tea master, Sen no Rikkyu helped him established the tea ceremonies which Nobunaga used for politics and business. The westernization of Japan Nobunaga eagerly embraced the western religions especially Christianity and welcomed the Jesuits missionaries with open hands. As a result of his conversion, he became among the first Japanese leader to appear in the European histories. He also imported the western technology like the firearms into Japan. This technology coupled with offensive and defensive mechanisms imported from Europe contributed to the modernization of his forces. His armies were always retrained to cope up with new imported t actics and in addition, massive stone forts were constructed that would defy modern gun fire. He also improved his warships by iron cladding them which resulted into nearly unbeatable models (Weston 145). The Death of Nobunaga Nobunaga’s glory came to its highest point in Kyoto, august of 1581, during this day; Nobunaga had gathered nearly twenty thousand horsemen all brilliantly dressed who flew in full gallop in front of the emperor and half of the Kyoto population. Hideyoshi, one of his top brass general was not in this parade as he was on a mission to conquer the Harima province. The story was that since 1577, Harima province had put up a strong defense following the unification of all western Daimyos under the leadership of the Mori family, who were allies of the Ikko-ikki clan. This province had a united army with as many soldiers and complex gun power as Nobunaga making the war drag for years (Peterson 87). In 1582, the Mori troops were making advancement towards the c astle in Bitchu province and were overwhelming to the Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s army. Hideyoshi asked for reinforcement from Nobunaga who at once decided to head west himself. In the process, Nobunaga commanded his top Generals to join him in this worthy course. He however took a two night’s stop at a temple in Kyoto in order to make the final arrangement for a battle that never took place. June 21, 1582, Akechi Mitsuhide, the general appointed by Nobunaga to lead some ten thousand soldiers to attack Harima province chose to attack Nobunaga instead. This took Nobunaga at a sheer surprise as he was entertaining guests at a Homno temple. Nobunaga had less than a hundred board guards making escape out of question. For the first time, Nobunaga took part in a battle but was wounded by either an arrow or a spear. He decided to retreat into a room and locked himself from where he committed Seppuku, a ritual suicide (Peterson 89). The temple was then burned down and no remains of N obunaga’s body were ever recovered. His eldest son was also killed in this battle and his Azuchi castle looted and then burned down by the mob. It is not known up to today what caused Mitsuhide turn against his master and he never had time to explain as he was hunted by Toyotomi Hideyoshi who took his head. At his death, Nobunaga was forty six years and ruled Japan’s thirty one out of sixty six provinces. His aim was to conquer many more and bring them under one rule. Conclusion Oda Nobunaga was truly one of the Japan’s most influential men and women and is remembered for his attempt to form a united Japan. He had a modern outlook for Japan and helped modernize warfare in Japan, broke the power of the monks, improved trade and industry, westernized Japan, gave equal opportunities to all especially the peasant and surprisingly ignored titles (Berry 35). It is however ironical that this fierce warrior who had the heart to burn thousands of innocent children and wo men was attributed to have brought peace to Japan which by the time was racked by a two hundred years of war. This peace he brought fearfully and was based on one man who ruled Japan with an iron hand. It is no surprise that his allies were also relieved following his death. But the question many ask is ‘to what length Nobunaga would have gone had his life not been cut short?’ By the time of his death, Nobunaga changed Japan forever (Berry 35). Works Cited Berry M. Elizabeth. Hideyoshi. Havard: Havard University Asia center, 1989. Hooker, Richard. â€Å"World civilizations: Odo Nobunaga.† Washington State University, 1996. Web. Morton, M. Scott, and Olenik, J. Kenneth. Japan: Its History and Culture. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005. Murray, David. The Story of Japan. UK: G.P. Putnam’s sons, 1894. Paterson, Paterson. Oda Nobunaga: The Battle of Okehazama. New York: Jetlag press, 2008. Saito, Hisho. A history of Japan. Tokyo: Forgotten books, 1990. Seal, F. W. â€Å"Oda Nobunaga.† Samurai, Mar 5 2011. Weston, Mark. Giants of Japan: the Lives of Japan’s Most Influential Men and Women. New York: Kodansha America, 2002. This research paper on Oda Nobunaga’s Biography was written and submitted by user Purple Wasp to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Alienation and Reification of Hunter essays

Alienation and Reification of Hunter essays There are endless crossroads in the human life, and the ability to distinguish these crossroads relies on ones ability to relinquish any preconceptions of the meaning of life. These crossroads embody what sociological critics for centuries have referred to as alienation and reification. They deem the twin theories are the essence of our individual universes. They interpret the abyss humans deem from their legitimate sense of self. Every human at one divergence in their life has loss the path they were intended to take, thus becoming alienated. This is because society unduly influences humanity into assuming materialism, is the preeminent necessity to strive for, thus experiencing reification. Sociological critics find alienation and reification as important concepts in understanding literature and films. An excellent way to illustrate how important these theories are is to apply them to the story of one man who faced and overcame them. The man I refer to is Hunter Adams, and the movi e based on his life is Patch Adam. In the beginning of the film, Hunter interprets his feelings of alienation when he states, the storm was in my mind, or as the poet Dante put it, in the middle of the journey of my life I found myself in the dark woods for I had lost the right path. Eventually, I would find the right path, but in the most unlikely place (Patch). Hunter committed himself to a mental institution for suicidal tendencies. Ashley Montagu would say, Patch was attempting to understand how in evading the demands of evolution, he had gone astray, then he would give up his present course and join the general mass of humanity (80). During his institutionalization, Hunter found himself coming out of solitude do to the peculiar characters that encircled him. Arthur Mendleson, a fellow patient enlightened Hunter that; if you focus on the problem you cant see the solution. You hav...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal - Research Paper Example Upon knowing this, the teacher would now know the customized approach he or she should take on such as the transitional bilingual education which is one that is most effective. This means that the teacher uses the child’s native language to introduce them to the context of a secondary language. Primary language of the student is now used as a bridge to develop literary comprehension with another language (Coonan, C. M., n.d.). Another way to develop linguistic competency through bilingual education would be the Dual Language Immersion. This means that teachers would practice a clear separation of two languages being used in each curriculum. What they do is that instead of translating each principle to another language which could sometimes not encompass the whole meaning or idea and cause confusion, they strengthen one’s understanding of a specific concept delivered in one language and when students already have a strong hold on it, they will then alter the language to further explicate a topic (Cook, Vivian, n.d.) Cook, Vivian (n.d.). Bilingual Cognition and Language Teaching. Virgin Media - Cable broadband, TV & phone plus mobile broadband & phone. Retrieved May 21, 2012, from Masters Degree Program - Bilingual Education - NYU Steinhardt. (n.d.). NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Retrieved May 21, 2012, from